The life-changing magic of tidying up

the life changing magic of tidying up

Book Author : Marie Kondō

This book is an introduction to the KonMari Method, a storage and tidying method advocated by Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant.

The premise of her process is to tackle by categories, not rooms, get rid of items that don’t ‘Spark Joy’, appreciate your possessions, the mega fold technique that makes every item in your closet easy to spot and thus fall in love with your tidy home and rediscover bliss.

I’ve been known among my friends as the queen of keeping my home organized and clutter-free. But this book took my skills to the next level!

Marie’s belief that an orderly space positively affects all the other aspects of our lives is something I wholeheartedly agree with.

I read the book right after it was released in 2014 and went on a purging spree. I can assure you that the tidying transformed my life and put me in a better state of mind. The time I spend at home is more enjoyable too.