Glassmaking in Cabos

Blog by Femy Praseeth a WordPress content creator and artist in San Jose, California

We visited a glass factory in Cabos during our day stopover on the Norwegian cruise. The factory had a separate glassblowing area with kilns and such and a shop with all of their glass products for sale. The building itself was a work of art, decorated with colored glass. One part of the glass factory had beautiful glass mosaic floors with a fountain in the center and a glass spiraled dome roof. The shop was filled with beautiful glass ornaments, vases, light fixtures, and more. We watched a fun glass blowing demonstration where they showed us how to make a turtle sculpture. It was pretty cool to watch how the glassblowers work with the hot products, add colors to the glass and shape the glass into beautiful pieces so easily.

Have you visited the glass factory in Cabos? What was your favorite part of the tour?

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